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Little River Recovery House, Inc

Since April 1, 1999, Little River House, a not for profit organization, began as a special needs transitional housing provider for the previously homeless and the indigent and is committed to those who are in recovery from active addiction. Its primary goal is to serve as a healthy and supportive transitional housing program for those in recovery.

Little River Recovery House began as a single building operation with approximately six clients and has now grown into a facility with three buildings and 45 rooms and up to 60 spaces to house those in need of affordable transitional housing. Through the hard work of its owner, Mark Lewis and countless hours of volunteer service by those in the community, Little River recovery House has been able to service hundreds since its conception helping its clients transition into a life of sobriety and a stable environment.

Starting with little income and financing, and from its conception the Little River Recovery House has not only met but super-ceded its original goals. The Little River Recovery House has become a viable source of housing for both men and women in recovery. Little River is open to all in recovery and has served members of the HIV community as well as those who are trying to re-establish their lives after incarceration and rehabilitative treatment through a life of sobriety.

The Little River Recovery House over the years has hosted and continues to operate supportive substance abuse meetings for not only its clients, but also others in recovery throughout the community. To date, Little River Recovery House hosts meetings seven days a week featuring Narcotics Anonymous meetings to enhance those in recovery a better possibility of leading a sober and productive life in the Miami-Dade community. These meetings not only consist of Twelve Step meetings, but also open-discussion meetings, and meetings chaired by individual speakers who speak on various topics that arise in recovery.

In 2007-2008 Little River Recovery House served as an Emergency Housing facility for the Veteran’s Administration housing program. When other agencies have struggled in providing housing for their clients who are ready to take the next step, Little River Recovery House has been there. The facility now houses over 50 clients who are actively working or seeking work in the community.

Over the years Little River Recovery House has had the privilege to garner the support of those in recovery community as well as those in the general Miami-Dade and business communities. To help guarantee a quality of life surrounding, various groups and business owners donate clothing, food, and numerous other forms of support to ensure the continuing success of Little River Recovery House.

It is the desire of Little River House’s owner, Mark Lewis, and the mission of Little River House itself, to continue the commitment to those in recovery by providing a quality facility for those in need who wish to live in a stable environment of sobriety.

2. Scope of Services: Little River House has provided and continues to provide transitional housing for those who have received treatment for substance abuse. Most clients have come directly from substance abuse rehabilitation programs primarily designed for the homeless and indigent. Most residents come directly from the referrals of these agencies. During their tenure at Little River Recovery House, many clients are expected to maintain and participate in continued out-patient programs or actively participate in a substance abuse program. It is Little River Recovery House’s intent to support such an approach to continued success in either Narcotics Anonymous or Alcoholics Anonymous programs to maintain a quality life in sobriety

It is Little River’s hope and goal, since it is a transitional housing program, to encourage and help its residents take the next step in finding permanent housing within the community. All participants will be assisted in finding the appropriate housing that will meet their needs on a permanent basis. Those individuals experiencing physical, developmental, HIV/AIDS, and in substance abuse will be required to enroll in a program that will assist them in their quest for permanent care and housing that will directly address their needs. Assistance will be provided in giving direction as to where to find and connect to the appropriate agencies that can provide help to clients who need help in applying for Medicaid, DCF/ADM funding, and SSI benefits.

Participants will also be assisted in increasing their incomes and maximizing their ability to live independently by seeking employment assistance programs such as South Florida Work Force, Transitions, Veterans Administration, Department of Vocational Rehabilitation, Volunteers of America, and the Hospitality Institute Job Training Program affiliated with Miami Dade Community College. Those who need to complete a GED will be sent to Lindsey Hopkins in order to enroll in a program that would further increase their earning potential.

3. Presently, Little River Recovery House is ready for immediate occupancy. The over-all housing capacity of the facility is capable of handling 63 residents and currently houses 50. There is a site manager at each facility as well as an administration office. As one resident transitions into permanent housing and an opening occurs, Little River Recovery House will actively pursue filling the spot with another applicant. The average stay at Little River House is from six months but not limited to one year. However, it is the policy of Little River Administration to be flexible in the transition for a more suitable permanent housing situation for the individual. One of our on-site managers has been with us almost since our inception, 10yrs and is also a disabled veteran.

As a transitional housing facility, Little River Recovery House has served as an Emergency Housing facility for the Veteran’s Administration in 2007-2008. As a registered 501-C3, Little River House seeks and implements all funding available to ensure a better quality of life for its residents during their stay.